Even Jesus Was a Refugee

Our upcoming symposium, “Even Jesus was a Refugee” could not be more relevant to the time we are living in. It’s time to make noise and share with our family, friends, neighbors, politicians, community groups, and interested parties. Come and participate in this very important symposium on August 17th at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Check out the flyer below for all the information and please help spread the word by getting the flyer out there to people you know.

Our panelists include Rev. Larry Love who many of us have known for years, discussing the Biblical examples of immigration and the appropriate behavior towards immigrants from a Biblical perspective. Then we have former member David Lawson who will remotely present the History of American Immigration. David until recently was a History teacher at Vallejo High School. Then we have Marina Ordonez a paralegal, and Lainey Meiri an immigration attorney; both from VIDAS, Law Offices of Vital Immigration Defense Advocacy Services. Marina and Lainey will address the legal protections of immigrants and procedures of immigration. I’ll be examining the economics of immigration, its impact on the American economy, and share stories of my business relationships with manufacturers and contractors regarding immigrants. 

The goals of the symposium are to diffuse political rhetoric with factual information; supply a very vulnerable community and advocates with handouts so they may remember important talking points; and to provide discussion time for attendees.