Common Ground Update
In reaction to the crisis we are all in, on Thursday April 23rd, Common Ground held a Countywide Conversation Zoom conference. With over 50 participants, we heard stories - stories that impact our families, our friends, and our communities. There were several people on the line from across the county who have not attended a Common Ground meeting before. From the League of Women Voters to Solano Volunteers, it ran the full spectrum of organizations. We hope that out of this we will find more allies and people to work with us on the ground working with and/or connecting services and resources in our city & county. So far we’ve got a Food Distribution Team, a Renter Issues Team, and a Spanish-Speaking Team. And we’re working on getting a COAD (Communities Organizing Action in Disasters) for Solano County up and running.
also discussed Support for Solano County Emergency Renter Protection
Ordinance. The ordinance has 3 main objectives: no late fees for
missed rent payments, a 12 month grace period for renters to pay back
what they owe, and a hotline for tenants and landlords who have
questions regarding all the changes. On Tuesday April 28 the County
will be voting and we ask that you call and/or email your County
Supervisors and ask them to vote YES on the Ordinance.
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